Kristin Berry
Business Executive
Angela is a beautifully intuitive being with a mastery in transformation and alchemy. She holds you in such a sacred container in which you feel safe to disarm and open yourself up to receive her divine wisdom. Every interaction with Angela is intentional, deeply personal, and anointed. Working with her has allowed me to interrupt my thought patterns and step outside of my “story”. More specifically, the Access to Freedom series has given me the tools to transmute any kind of suffering into fuel for growth and evolution, empowering me to walk through life in the lightest and brightest way.
Thank you Angela from the bottom of my heart; you are such a powerful soul with a profound complexity and commitment to service that cannot be denied.
Juanice Oldham, Business Owner
Angela’s programs have lit up my soul and changed my life! The Shift Process and online courses have helped me to expand in some of the most vulnerable and difficult moments of my life, and gave me the tools to help me to continuously grow as a human being. I have literally accessed a freedom within that contains limitless possibilities and opportunities for me to be energetically and physically aligned.
I highly recommend both of Angela’s programs to anyone that feels that there is more out there for them but are unsure how to access it, anyone that feels that something in their world is missing or they are feeling stagnant in life, both personally and professionally.
Everyone who knows me from before my experience with the work sees the changes in my energy and how I have grown as a person. I now have the tools and abilities to operate at a level that I never could imagine was possible for me but always desired to be at. I am now open to love all moments both high and low, and have the ability to be present and self-aware. Angela’s programs have opened my eyes to a universe I never thought could exist, and you will never look back!
Bandar Kayali, CEO
I am so grateful to have been blessed with the opportunity to meet and work with Angela in the Shift Process and the Access to Freedom Online Courses. I feel so lucky that I have been given this opportunity to learn such vital information in regards to my spiritual growth and freedom. I honestly feel that now I am truly prepared to handle whatever life has to throw at me. Angela's teachings and techniques have been instrumental in my navigation of what I once perceived as the "ups" and "downs" of life. I now feel a great sense of joy, enthusiasm and ease with my everyday life & experiences. My natural confidence, sense of self-worth and wholeness have grown exponentially since working with Angela. I am truly now capable to enjoy life, expand, and create all out of love and freedom.
With all my heart & soul, thank you Angela.
Lorene Neal, Housewife
I was living a life filled with fear with just about everything. I was searching for my purpose, and I was confused. I felt disconnected with my husband and my family. I always felt irritated about everything. I had moments of joy, but it was always short lived. My self-worth was at an all-time low.
I remember once hearing Angela say, “You can read all the books, watch all the videos, but until you start applying what you are learning, your life will never change.” That always stuck with me. So, I signed up for the Access to Freedom online course. I was terrified of the unknown.
This class taught me tools to get through my everyday life. I was in a safe space to share with people who were on a similar journey. Angela is an immensely powerful speaker. She has absolutely no judgements. I feel her speaking from a higher source. When the course was coming to an end, I was so excited that there was an advanced class to follow. Of course, I signed up. This class was even more powerful than the first. I would encourage everyone to take this class. You will open up your heart, your life, your being. This work will change your life in such a positive and powerful way -for good.
Today I live a joyful life. I am so much more connected to my husband and my family. I rarely argue with my husband anymore and when we do, it does not last long. I am softer, kinder, patient and much more present. I do not live in as much fear anymore. When I do confront fear, I now have tools to get me through it. This was huge for me. I found freedom! I re-connected spiritually on such a high level. I have so much more love in my heart for myself, and for everyone. I feel like my life has just begun. There is so much I want to experience. I will ALWAYS be connected to my classmates, my soul mates. I am truly honored to have been a part of everyone’s journey. I will continue doing this work and will sign up for every class Angela has to offer. I can never go back, nor would I ever want to. Angela, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you.
Brian Brookman
Enterprise Technology Leader
Angela is a fitness instructor but for the soul. We have many muscles or components of the soul, so she guides us through tools and information that help tune the areas of our soul that we want to focus on.
These series of classes are essential in order to do this work effectively. We need the coach, the tools and the community to make real improvements in life.
When you commit to these classes and the assignments, you no longer get to choose if you are going to improve or not, it’s just going to happen.
Bonus: Angela is an amazing musician/singer which she offers in her very own guided meditations that she designs to help guide us through this journey.
Tiersa Johnson, Business Owner
I was listening to a podcast where Angela was being interviewed a few years back, and I was so intrigued by her and what she did for people. I knew I had to be a part of it. It took me months to find her and request to work with her, but from then on my life completely changed. It changed in ways I didn’t even know I needed to change. I was missing something in my life, I was in a dark place inside, full of guilt and deep sadness BUT with a smile on my face. Angela opened up doors and held space for me with no judgement whatsoever. How could this person, who didn't know me from atom, be able to do such amazing things for me from so far away? Because Angela is some kind of Angel. I had huge shifts, finding out things about myself that were completely hidden from my view.
Angela is truly a gift from God. After I completed the one on one coaching in the Shift Process, I signed up for the online course -Access to Freedom. More time with her… I was all in! Because just being in her presence brings out the best in you. The online course was like a hug from God. She gave us tools to deal with any situation, and now I always have access to those tools. In just a few minutes time, I can be in a completely different energy.
My heart and eyes are wide open to new opportunities and adventures, and I know how to handle all situations with grace by just diving into my new tool box. I don't just live life now, I LOVE it and I take much better care of me.
I went on to do her advanced online course and it was even deeper and more powerful. I feel much more grounded and connected with The Universe. I'm a better mom, wife and friend. I take the time to notice the little things. I have grown as a person and I am forever grateful to this group of strangers in the class, who now feel like my family. They each held space for me and I got a piece of each of their hearts to take with me on my journey.
I never imagined the freedom that was on the other side of my fear. Angela definitely took me out of my comfort zones and stretched me in ways I will never be able to thank her for. The tools she shared didn’t just end because the class ended, I get to take them with me on each new adventure in my life. I love you, Angela. I am forever grateful for this experience.
Becky Wells, Health & Wellness
I've been working with Angela for 3 years and each and every interaction and experience with her has led to huge transformational shifts in my life. When I began my journey with her, I was confused, angry, frustrated, and living in fear. My husband and I were fighting all the time and my home was full of tension and anxiety. It was hell. I didn't know how to get out of this funk! She immediately helped me unravel the areas of my life I could not see. Blindspots that were dictating my life and directing me down a path that I didn't want to go. I slowly began integrating her insights and wisdom into my life and things started to shift quickly! My whole life changed for the better and I just wanted more.
When I heard Angela had a new online course, Access to Freedom, I was ready to dive in with every ounce of my being. Everything Angela touches turns to gold and is divinely guided. She provides such a beautiful and powerful container to not only transform, but to connect with a community that is on a similar journey to becoming more conscious, powerful, and clear in purpose. Having people around you doing the work only strengthens the experience and access to what we desire most. It also helped me know that I was not alone and gave me such a deeper feeling of connection.
It took courage and faith to go for what I truly wanted in life, and having Angela’s guidance and a community of support was so vital for me on my journey. I went from being afraid of what COULD happen, to feeling more connected and trusting in each and every experience in my life. Angela revealed specific and simple tools that I was able to easily integrate into my life. This work has shown me exactly how to manifest the life of my dreams.
My relationship with my husband and kids has completely transformed into a more loving, joyous, and harmonious experience. I now understand that it only takes one person to change, and that can change everything. Even with my friends and my community. I wake up in the morning with the feeling of excitement and openness to what unfolds before me. I'm much more aware and conscious of my thoughts. Having the tools within me to transform anything that feels dense is the most powerful thing in the world! I have learned in this process that we are solely responsible for our lives and how to implement tools to shift my perspective and live for right now.
I would recommend this course to anyone who is ready to take responsibility for their life. If you feel stuck and are ready to do the internal work to create a new and beautiful outer world, this course is for you. It will change your life. My investment in this course has returned to me in 10-fold! It's worth every moment and resource I have invested in it. I will always be in this work. Take a chance, invest in yourself, and get ready for magic!
Isabel Werner, College Student
I’m in a reflection period around my work with Angela. I feel like I finally see my worth. I was not always like this. I used to fear vulnerability because I thought I needed to present myself in a certain way in order to be strong. I’ve learned that life is not happening to me, but FOR me. That all my life experiences have made me into the person I am today.
It’s beautiful see things for what they are. Not that they are good or bad, but just as they ARE. My soul feels like I finally found “home” because I now know who I am and who I want to be. I won’t lie, it’s sort of an uncomfortable feeling because I’ve been lost for so long , but I fully acknowledge that I’m on the right path for me. Before Angela entered my life, I clung to external things and people. I blamed them for making me feel a certain way, not realizing that these external things were just shining a spotlight on the buried pain within me. The various past traumas that framed the way I experienced my reality. I now see that I’m stronger for things falling apart -that had to happen for me to heal. Before entering Angela’s work, I had a misunderstanding of this -I saw myself as a victim in life. Once I began working the muscle of feeling safe in the world and begin to trust in the unfolding, I finally begin to heal. My journey has been one of many ups and downs, but I continue to deepen my acceptance of it all.
Through Angela’s work and classes, I now have a community of people who speak the same language and have my back. My life was forever changed when I decided to apply Angela’s teachings. Everyday I get to choose to maintain integrity with the life I’m creating for myself. A life I’m in love with. Life’s a gamble, might as well go all in on and experience some motherfing magic!